Трансперсональные публикации 1992 — 2008
Т.Р. (2008) Кладовая солнца. Многовековой сон мудрости среди реквизита сказок и
корней слов: Сварог и Кощей. Вестник Балтийской
Педагогической Академии 80, 69-74.
Soidla T.R. (2008) Kladovaya solntsa. Monogovekovoy son mudrosti sredi rekvizita skazok i kornei slov: Svarog and Koschei [Centuries-long sleep of Wisdom in Fairy tales: Svarog and Koschei]. Vestnik Baltiiskoi Pedagogicheskoi Akademii [Proceedings
of the Baltic Pedagogical Academy] 80,
69-74. [In Russian]
Т.Р. (2008) Стрела, лотос и бракосочетание миров: сказка о
Иване-царевиче и Царевне-лягушке. Вестник Балтийской Педагогической Академии
80, 75-78.
Soidla T.R. (2008) Strela, lotos i brakosochetanie mirov: skazka o Ivane-tsareviche i Tsarevne-lyagushke [Arrow, lotus and marriage of realms: A story of Frog Princess]. Vestnik Baltiiskoi Pedagogicheskoi Akademii [Proceedings
of the Baltic Pedagogical Academy] 80,
75-78. [In Russian]
Soidla T.R. (2008) Quiet
life of wisdom in language and fairy tales: Svarog and Koschei. Sutra 1(1), 104-106.
Сойдла Т.Р.
(2007) Интеграция и утопия под знаком бога пчел. Вестник Балтийской Педагогической Академии 76, 118-122.
Soidla T.R. (2007) Integratsiya i utopia pod flagom boga pchyol. [Lord of the bees:
integrative and utopian.] Vestnik
Baltiiskoi Pedagogicheskoi Akademii [Proceedings
of the Baltic Pedagogical Academy] 76,
118-122. [In Russian]
Т.Р. (2007) Беседы о трансперсональном. Вестник Балтийской Педагогической Академии
76, 93-98.
Soidla T.R. (2007) Besedy
o transpersonal’nom. [Transpersonal talks #1.] Vestnik Baltiiskoi Pedagogicheskoi Akademii [Proceedings of the Baltic Pedagogical Academy] 76, 93-98. [In Russian]
Сойдла Т.Р. (2006) Бал-маскарад на корабле Атмана [Рукопись]
Soidla T.R. (2006) Bal-maskarad na korable Atmana. [The
Masquerade in Atman’s Ark] [Unpublished ms. in Russian]
Soidla T. R.
(2005) Four dreams on the transpersonal studies of 21st century
[Unpublished ms.]
Сойдла Т.Р. (2005) Четыре сна в пользу трансперсональных
исследований 21 века [Рукопись по-английски с русским резюме]
Soidla T. R.
(2005) Dreaming under a hill of
[Unpublished ms.]
Сойдла Т.Р. (2005) Мечты о трансперсональном
росте в точке ru [Рукопись по-английски с русским резюме]
Shapiro S., & Soidla
T. R. (2004) Eternity is in love with the productions of time. Journal of Transpersonal Psychology 36(2), 202-219
Раудсепп К. (Сойдла Т.Р.) (2004) Рассказы
о Мюне. [Рукопись] 23500 слов.
Soidla T. R. (Raudsepp
K.) (2004). Rasskazy o Myune. [Mynah stories.] [Unpublished
ms. in Russian] 23500 words.
Раудсепп К. (Сойдла Т.Р.) (2003) Апология
динозавров. [Рукопись] 55000 слов.
Soidla T. R. (Raudsepp
K.) (2003) Apologiya dinozavrov. [Apology of dinosaurs.] [Unpublished
ms. in Russian] 55000 words.
Сойдла Т.Р. (Раудсепп К.) (2003) Апология динозавров. Часть I. В сб. Творение — творчество — репродукция:
Исторический и экзистенциальный опыт. Международные чтения по теории, истории и
философии культуры, 17, 266-285. Raudsepp K. (Soidla T. R.) (2003). Apologiya dinozavrov. Chast’ 1.
[Apology of Dino. Part 1.] In: Creation—Creativity--Reproduction: Historical
and existential experience. International readings on theory, history and
philosophy of culture, 17, 266-285. (In Russian, English summary)
S., & Soidla T. R. (2003) The fire passes on: Evgeny A.Torchinov
(1956-2003). A tribute. Journal of
Transpersonal Psychology 35(2), 83-84.
Soidla T. R. (2002)
Dinomor: Evoking memories of Dino’s dreams and death. International Journal
of Transpersonal Studies, 21, 195-202.
Сойдла Т.Р. (2002) Трансперсоналист
на религиозном поле: игрок, судья, … мяч? В сб. Онтология диалога: исторический и
экзистенциальный опыт. Международные чтения по теории, истории и философии
культуры, 14, 368-371. Soidla
T. R. (2002). Transpersonalist na religioznom pole: igrok, sud’ya, myach? [Who
is Mr. Transpersonal?] In: Ontology of dialogue: Historical and existential
experience. International readings on theory, history and philosophy of
culture,14, 368-371. (In Russian, English summary)
Soidla T. R.
(2001) Synchronization signals of Memory,
containing Timeless service messages:
An hypothesis. (Rhythms as a royal way to Timeless [mythological,
archetypal, religious] imagery.)
paper presented at Templeton competition. Unpublished.
Soidla T. R. (2001)
Dreams and reflections under a hill: Fragments of a triviographic description
of the Umbra vale by a XXIth century ex-soviet trans-rational traveler. International
Journal of Transpersonal Studies, 20, 5-18.
Soidla T. R. (2000)
Waiting for circus animals' desertion: A true story of a cryptic spiritual Zoo
in the rag-and-bone shop of my heart. International Journal of Transpersonal
Studies, 19, 27-33.
Soidla T. R. (1999) Thus
spake Black Hen: Pray, help me to become whole, Dr. Comus. Please, teach me how
to fly how to sing... International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, 18(2),
Soidla T. R. (1999)
Krypton, or the finches of Kahala. International Journal of
Transpersonal Studies, 18(1), 61-66.
T. R. (1998) Feeding twin snakes with stories. Some leaves from a post-soviet
post-mature ego dream journal. Voices of Russian Transpersonalism, Vol.
5, International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, 17(2), 143-148.
T. R. (1998) With its gray and muddy mouth... : A personal myth of the call of
another. Voices of Russian Transpersonalism, Vol. 5, International
Journal of Transpersonal Studies, 17(2), 135-141.
T. R. (1998) A spider in my room, or some preliminaries for a meditation on
Wisdom and Hate. Voices of Russian Transpersonalism, Vol. 5, International
Journal of Transpersonal Studies, 17(2), 127-134.
T. R. (1998) Me and a Giant Kinesthetic Bee: An attempt at an autobiographical
and metaphoric study of a totalitarian psyche. International Journal of
Transpersonal Studies, 17(1), 19-34.
T. R., Shapiro S. I., Gross P. L. (1997) Introduction: V.V.Nalimov—Scientist,
teacher, friend, mentor, prisoner, rope-dancer, master of meaning, mystical
anarchist, high priest, apostle of spontaneity, transpersonalist. In Voices
of Russian Transpersonalism,
Vol. 4, International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, 16(2),
T. R. & Shapiro S. I. (Eds.) (1997) Everything is according to the Way:
Voices of Russian Transpersonalism. Brisbane, Australia: Bolda-Lok
T. R. & Shapiro S. I. (1997) Introduction: Voices of Russian
Transpersonalism. In: T. R. Soidla & S. I. Shapiro. (Eds.), Everything
is according to the Way: Voices of Russian Transpersonalism. Brisbane,
Australia: Bolda-Lok Publishing, pp. 1-3.
Soidla T. R. (1997) Biological texts, spiritual
values. In: T. R. Soidla & S. I. Shapiro. (Eds.), Everything is
according to the Way: Voices of Russian Transpersonalism. Brisbane,
Australia: Bolda-Lok Publishing, pp. 109-112. Also in: Voices of Russian
Transpersonalism, Vol. 2, International Journal of Transpersonal Studies,
15(1), 7-10. A preliminary version of this paper was published in 1993
as: Biological texts and spiritual values. In: Revival of Russian
Religious-Philosophical Thought. Proceedings of the International Conference,
March 22-24, 1993. Glagol: St. Petersburg, pp. 25-29.
Soidla T. R. (1997) Thou, the friendly constant hand
on the back of my head, Thou, the transparent door from the place where one
dies like a dog: A comedy of consciousness. In: T. R. Soidla & S. I.
Shapiro. (Eds.), Everything is according to the Way: Voices of Russian
Transpersonalism. Brisbane, Australia: Bolda-Lok Publishing, pp. 113-117.
Also in: Voices of Russian Transpersonalism, Vol. 2, International
Journal of Transpersonal Studies, 15(1), 40-44. Reprinted (1998) in: Metaphilosophy
or, philosophical reflections in space of tradition and innovation. St.
Petersburg: Eidos, pp. 361-367.
Soidla T. R. (1997) Memory and mirror for a
nightingale singing: An invitation to think about repetition, ritual, religion
and the Source. In: T. R. Soidla & S. I. Shapiro. (Eds.), Everything is
according to the Way: Voices of Russian Transpersonalism. Brisbane,
Australia: Bolda-Lok Publishing, pp. 119-127. Also in: Voices of Russian
Transpersonalism, Vol. 3, International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, 15(Supplement),
Soidla T. R. (1996) A constant rate synthesis/editing
model of memory coding. In: Consciousness Research Abstracts. Toward a
Science of Consciousness, 1996, "Tucson II," p. 66.
Soidla T. R. (1995) Open mouth, open mind: An
impressionistic attempt at a transpersonal autobiography. Part 3. Transpersonal
fox speaking in a trap, or how I was cornered but managed not to make the
proper conclusions. International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, 14(1/2), 1-29.
Soidla T. R. (1995) Open mouth, open mind: An
impressionistic attempt at a transpersonal autobiography. Part 2. Living and
losing with high energies [With Appendix—The basic hypothesis: An editing model
of memory]. International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, 14(Supplement),
Soidla T. R. (1995) Open mouth, open mind: An impressionistic
attempt at a transpersonal autobiography. Part 1. "Energies" and
states of consciousness. International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, 14(Supplement),
Soidla T. R. (1995) Healing and polymorphic functions
in humans: An hypothesis. Proceedings of Psychotronics, 1, 73-76.
Tallinn: Eesti Psyhhotroonika Yhing.
Soidla T. R. (1993) Morphic resonance, molecular
structure, and man: Some metaphysics. International Journal of Transpersonal
Studies, 12(2), 51-55. In a different form, published in Folia
Baeriana, 6, 269-274.
Soidla T. R. (1993) Some preliminary notes for a RNA
editing based model of memory. Folia Baeriana, 6, 261-268.
Сойдла Т. Р. (1993) Трансперсональная
психология (обзор литературы). [Рукопись]
Soidla T. R. (1993) Transpersonal’naya psikhologiya
(obzor literatury). [Transpersonal psychology (Review)] [Unpublished ms.
in Russian]
Soidla T. R. (1992) Schroedinger's cat in Pandora's
box: A new model of memory suggested by morphic fields, COEX systems and fear
of objectivization. Twelfth International Transpersonal Conference Abstracts,
p. 10, Prague.