Трансперсональные публикации 1992 — 2008


Сойдла Т.Р. (2008) Кладовая солнца. Многовековой сон мудрости среди реквизита сказок и корней слов: Сварог и Кощей. Вестник Балтийской Педагогической Академии 80, 69-74

Soidla T.R. (2008) Kladovaya solntsa. Monogovekovoy son mudrosti sredi rekvizita skazok i  kornei slov: Svarog and Koschei [Centuries-long sleep of Wisdom in Fairy tales: Svarog and Koschei]. Vestnik Baltiiskoi Pedagogicheskoi Akademii [Proceedings of the Baltic Pedagogical Academy] 80, 69-74[In Russian]


Сойдла Т.Р. (2008) Стрела, лотос и бракосочетание миров: сказка о Иване-царевиче и Царевне-лягушке. Вестник Балтийской Педагогической Академии 80, 75-78. 

Soidla T.R. (2008) Strela, lotos i brakosochetanie mirov: skazka o Ivane-tsareviche i Tsarevne-lyagushke [Arrow, lotus and marriage of realms: A story of Frog Princess]. Vestnik Baltiiskoi Pedagogicheskoi Akademii [Proceedings of the Baltic Pedagogical Academy] 80, 75-78. [In Russian]


Soidla T.R. (2008) Quiet life of wisdom in language and fairy tales: Svarog and Koschei. Sutra 1(1), 104-106.


Сойдла Т.Р. (2007) Интеграция и утопия под знаком бога пчел. Вестник Балтийской Педагогической Академии 76, 118-122.

Soidla T.R. (2007) Integratsiya i utopia pod flagom boga pchyol. [Lord of the bees: integrative and utopian.] Vestnik Baltiiskoi Pedagogicheskoi Akademii [Proceedings of the Baltic Pedagogical Academy] 76, 118-122. [In Russian]


Сойдла Т.Р. (2007) Беседы о трансперсональном. Вестник Балтийской Педагогической Академии 76, 93-98.

Soidla T.R. (2007) Besedy o transpersonal’nom. [Transpersonal talks #1.] Vestnik Baltiiskoi Pedagogicheskoi Akademii [Proceedings of the Baltic Pedagogical Academy] 76, 93-98. [In Russian]


Сойдла Т.Р. (2006) Бал-маскарад на корабле Атмана [Рукопись]

Soidla T.R. (2006) Bal-maskarad na korable Atmana. [The Masquerade in Atman’s Ark] [Unpublished ms. in Russian]


Soidla T. R. (2005) Four dreams on the transpersonal studies of 21st century

[Unpublished ms.]

Сойдла Т.Р. (2005) Четыре сна в пользу трансперсональных исследований 21 века [Рукопись по-английски с русским резюме]


Soidla T. R. (2005) Dreaming under a hill of  

 [Unpublished ms.]

Сойдла Т.Р. (2005) Мечты о трансперсональном росте в точке ru  [Рукопись по-английски с русским резюме]


Shapiro S., & Soidla T. R. (2004) Eternity is in love with the productions of time. Journal of Transpersonal Psychology 36(2), 202-219


Раудсепп К. (Сойдла Т.Р.) (2004) Рассказы о Мюне. [Рукопись] 23500 слов. 

Soidla T. R. (Raudsepp K.) (2004). Rasskazy o Myune. [Mynah stories.] [Unpublished ms. in Russian] 23500 words.


Раудсепп К. (Сойдла Т.Р.) (2003) Апология динозавров. [Рукопись] 55000 слов. 

Soidla T. R. (Raudsepp K.) (2003) Apologiya dinozavrov. [Apology of dinosaurs.] [Unpublished ms. in Russian] 55000 words.


Сойдла Т.Р. (Раудсепп К.) (2003) Апология динозавров. Часть I. В сб. Творение — творчество — репродукция: Исторический и экзистенциальный опыт. Международные чтения по теории, истории и философии культуры, 17, 266-285. Raudsepp K. (Soidla T. R.) (2003). Apologiya dinozavrov. Chast’ 1. [Apology of Dino. Part 1.] In: Creation—Creativity--Reproduction: Historical and existential experience. International readings on theory, history and philosophy of culture, 17, 266-285. (In Russian, English summary)


Shapiro S., & Soidla T. R. (2003) The fire passes on: Evgeny A.Torchinov (1956-2003). A tribute. Journal of Transpersonal Psychology 35(2), 83-84.


Soidla T. R. (2002) Dinomor: Evoking memories of Dino’s dreams and death. International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, 21, 195-202.


Сойдла Т.Р. (2002) Трансперсоналист на религиозном поле: игрок, судья, … мяч? В сб. Онтология диалога: исторический и экзистенциальный опыт. Международные чтения по теории, истории и философии культуры, 14, 368-371. Soidla T. R. (2002). Transpersonalist na religioznom pole: igrok, sud’ya, myach? [Who is Mr. Transpersonal?] In: Ontology of dialogue: Historical and existential experience. International readings on theory, history and philosophy of culture,14, 368-371. (In Russian, English summary)


Soidla T. R. (2001) Synchronization signals of Memory, containing Timeless service messages:

An hypothesis. (Rhythms as a royal way to Timeless [mythological, archetypal, religious] imagery.)

A paper presented at Templeton competition. Unpublished. 


Soidla T. R. (2001) Dreams and reflections under a hill: Fragments of a triviographic description of the Umbra vale by a XXIth century ex-soviet trans-rational traveler. International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, 20, 5-18.


Soidla T. R. (2000) Waiting for circus animals' desertion: A true story of a cryptic spiritual Zoo in the rag-and-bone shop of my heart. International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, 19, 27-33.


Soidla T. R. (1999) Thus spake Black Hen: Pray, help me to become whole, Dr. Comus. Please, teach me how to fly how to sing... International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, 18(2), 139-148.


Soidla T. R. (1999) Krypton, or the finches of Kahala. International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, 18(1), 61-66.


Soidla T. R. (1998) Feeding twin snakes with stories. Some leaves from a post-soviet post-mature ego dream journal. Voices of Russian Transpersonalism, Vol. 5, International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, 17(2), 143-148.


Soidla T. R. (1998) With its gray and muddy mouth... : A personal myth of the call of another. Voices of Russian Transpersonalism, Vol. 5, International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, 17(2), 135-141.


Soidla T. R. (1998) A spider in my room, or some preliminaries for a meditation on Wisdom and Hate. Voices of Russian Transpersonalism, Vol. 5, International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, 17(2), 127-134.


Soidla T. R. (1998) Me and a Giant Kinesthetic Bee: An attempt at an autobiographical and metaphoric study of a totalitarian psyche. International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, 17(1), 19-34.


Soidla T. R., Shapiro S. I., Gross P. L. (1997) Introduction: V.V.Nalimov—Scientist, teacher, friend, mentor, prisoner, rope-dancer, master of meaning, mystical anarchist, high priest, apostle of spontaneity, transpersonalist. In Voices of Russian  Transpersonalism, Vol. 4, International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, 16(2), 1-4.


Soidla T. R. & Shapiro S. I. (Eds.) (1997) Everything is according to the Way: Voices of Russian Transpersonalism. Brisbane, Australia: Bolda-Lok Publishing.


Soidla T. R. & Shapiro S. I. (1997) Introduction: Voices of Russian Transpersonalism. In: T. R. Soidla & S. I. Shapiro. (Eds.), Everything is according to the Way: Voices of Russian Transpersonalism. Brisbane, Australia: Bolda-Lok Publishing, pp. 1-3.


Soidla T. R. (1997) Biological texts, spiritual values. In: T. R. Soidla & S. I. Shapiro. (Eds.), Everything is according to the Way: Voices of Russian Transpersonalism. Brisbane, Australia: Bolda-Lok Publishing, pp. 109-112. Also in: Voices of Russian Transpersonalism, Vol. 2, International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, 15(1), 7-10. A preliminary version of this paper was published in 1993 as: Biological texts and spiritual values. In: Revival of Russian Religious-Philosophical Thought. Proceedings of the International Conference, March 22-24, 1993. Glagol: St. Petersburg, pp. 25-29.


Soidla T. R. (1997) Thou, the friendly constant hand on the back of my head, Thou, the transparent door from the place where one dies like a dog: A comedy of consciousness. In: T. R. Soidla & S. I. Shapiro. (Eds.), Everything is according to the Way: Voices of Russian Transpersonalism. Brisbane, Australia: Bolda-Lok Publishing, pp. 113-117. Also in: Voices of Russian Transpersonalism, Vol. 2, International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, 15(1), 40-44. Reprinted (1998) in: Metaphilosophy or, philosophical reflections in space of tradition and innovation. St. Petersburg: Eidos, pp. 361-367.


Soidla T. R. (1997) Memory and mirror for a nightingale singing: An invitation to think about repetition, ritual, religion and the Source. In: T. R. Soidla & S. I. Shapiro. (Eds.), Everything is according to the Way: Voices of Russian Transpersonalism. Brisbane, Australia: Bolda-Lok Publishing, pp. 119-127. Also in: Voices of Russian Transpersonalism, Vol. 3, International Journal of  Transpersonal Studies, 15(Supplement), 1-9.


Soidla T. R. (1996) A constant rate synthesis/editing model of memory coding. In: Consciousness Research Abstracts. Toward a Science of Consciousness, 1996, "Tucson II," p. 66.


Soidla T. R. (1995) Open mouth, open mind: An impressionistic attempt at a transpersonal autobiography. Part 3. Transpersonal fox speaking in a trap, or how I was cornered but managed not to make the proper conclusions. International Journal of   Transpersonal Studies, 14(1/2), 1-29.


Soidla T. R. (1995) Open mouth, open mind: An impressionistic attempt at a transpersonal autobiography. Part 2. Living and losing with high energies [With Appendix—The basic hypothesis: An editing model of memory]. International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, 14(Supplement), 43-59.


Soidla T. R. (1995) Open mouth, open mind: An impressionistic attempt at a transpersonal autobiography. Part 1. "Energies" and states of consciousness. International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, 14(Supplement), 30-42.


Soidla T. R. (1995) Healing and polymorphic functions in humans: An hypothesis. Proceedings of Psychotronics, 1, 73-76. Tallinn: Eesti Psyhhotroonika Yhing.


Soidla T. R. (1993) Morphic resonance, molecular structure, and man: Some metaphysics. International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, 12(2), 51-55. In a different form, published in Folia Baeriana, 6, 269-274.


Soidla T. R. (1993) Some preliminary notes for a RNA editing based model of memory. Folia Baeriana, 6, 261-268.


Сойдла Т. Р. (1993) Трансперсональная психология (обзор литературы). [Рукопись] 

Soidla T. R. (1993) Transpersonal’naya psikhologiya (obzor literatury). [Transpersonal psychology (Review)] [Unpublished ms. in Russian]


Soidla T. R. (1992) Schroedinger's cat in Pandora's box: A new model of memory suggested by morphic fields, COEX systems and fear of objectivization. Twelfth International Transpersonal Conference Abstracts, p. 10, Prague.



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